Syllabus CIS 230 Spring 2014

Instructors: John Putz

E-Mail:  All e-mail communications will be done through the D2L system.

E-mail Address:

Office Hours: Posted on Web site home page.

Course: CIS-230-100 Computer Hardware

Course Description:

This class is an introduction to the installation, configuration, upgrading, diagnosing and troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance of hardware systems built upon the PC/Intel processor architecture. The class covers the basic hardware components, assembling the components into a working system, loading an operating system onto the hardware, and loading or upgrading software drivers for hardware. The course will also cover hardware peripherals such as printers, scanners, and displays as well as some basic networking. The class is a combination of lecture and hand-on training.


Grade of C or better in CIS 110 or CIS 105 or CIS 121 or consent of instructor.

Required Textbook:

A+ Guide to Hardware, Sixth Edition: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting

Authors: Jean Andrews

Publisher: Cengage Learning

ISBN-13: 978-1-133-13512-8

ISBN-10: 1-133-13512-9

Electronic Version available at

Requires Supplies

1 USB drive with a capacity of at least 2 Gig.

Method of Presentation:

Lecture, Demonstration, and Hands on Exercises.

Method of Evaluation:


Homework consists of reading assignments only. The student is expected to study all reading assignments, and complete all Chapter Review answer sheets by the dates indicted on the class calendar.

All work is submitted in .rtf format in drop boxes on the D2L site for the class.

Chapter Activities

There will be adequate class time to complete all of the Lab work in class. All lab  worksheets are due by the the dates indicted on the class calendar (see above).

Late Work

Late work is accepted but with a loose of 5 points for each week it is late.    


Students will be graded on the point system as follows:

Chapter Review Questions

There are 12 chapter reviews to be submitted, each worth 20 - 40 points for a possible total of 350 points.  Chapter review questions are to be posted to the appropriate drop box on the D2L class site on the date due.

Quizzes and Exams:

There are 12 chapter quizzes a midterm and a final exam. Points very depending the number of questions asked on each quiz and exam.

Lab Activities

Each lab activity requires that you answer questions, provide screen shots, and

perform other activities that you will document on a lab worksheet . You will be provided access to the lab worksheets worksheets on the class web site. It is recommended that you use a USB flash drive to store your worksheets or print the worksheets.  As you perform the lab, open the appropriate worksheet file , fill in the required information, and save the file to your flash drive. Once you complete the worksheet you will upload it to the appropriate drop box on the class D2L web site. Every lab worksheet has varying points associated with it.

Approximate total lab points 1000

The final grade will be based on your accumulated points divided by the total points possible.

A 90% and above

B 80% to 89%

C 70% to 79%

D 60% to 69%

F 59% and below

Instructor Policy


The Computer and Information Sciences program at Elgin Community College is dedicated to providing every student with a high quality education. The goal is to help the student gain the SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, and WORK HABITS necessary to be successful in the Computer Information Science field. To that end the classroom and laboratory will reflect the professionalism of the industry at all times.


Attendance and final averages are directly proportional. Students are expected to attend ALL classes. Due to the intensity of the course material and the class meeting length, any absence will hinder a student’s learning and limit observable participation by the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to withdraw a student from class before mid-semester with a W, due to excessive absences. For this course, excessive is defined as grater than 2 (two).


Undivided attention, note taking and student participation are essential to the learning experience. Students are not to use the computer during a lecture. Disinterested students will be encouraged to leave the classroom so that the best possible learning atmosphere can be maintained for those students desiring to be successful. You will be warned only once. The second occasion may result in being expelled from the course with a failing grade.

Electronic Devices in Class Policy

Cellular phones, pagers, CD players, radios, and similar devices are prohibited in the classroom and laboratory facilities. Calculators and computers are prohibited during examinations and quizzes, unless specified. Reasonable laptop-size computers may be used in lecture for the purpose of taking notes.


Anyone caught cheating (and this includes anyone who lets someone else copy their work) will be given a grade of zero (0) and a warning, for the first offence. If you are caught for the second time, you will be expelled from the course with a grade of “F”.


All work is to be done in .rtf format and submitted to the appropriate dropbox on the class D2L class Web site.


The classroom is your work environment, I expect that when you leave the classroom it be left in the same condition that you found it.  All chairs should be returned to there proper place.

The classroom will be open as an open lab, check on the my faculty home page to see my office hours which are also considered open lab hours. It is a proven fact that the only way to learn the material and develop the skills needed in today’s work place is to practice. Either a technical support person or myself will be available to assist you during those times.


Safety rules are for the protection of the students and the equipment and will be adhered to at all times. Students who violate safety rules may be candidates for removal from the class or the program. Misuse of the equipment or network files will not be tolerated and will result in expulsion from the course with a failing grade. All equipment malfunctions must be reported to the instructor immediately.

Disabilities Policy

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to “reasonable accommodations.” Please notify the instructor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course

CIS 230
Computer Hardware