Project 3 Images

To begin this project create a new web site by using the steps in Creating a New Web site as explained in Lesson 2.  Call the web sit Project 3 Images   On the web page created I would like you to use text and images.  With the images I would like you to demonstrate the techniques you learned in the Tutorial Pictures including;

Adding pictures to your page

Linking thumbnails to larger pictures

Applying transparency effects.

Applying re-coloring effects.

This page should have at least 10 images on it.  I would prefer that these images be from your own collection of images and not the ones provided in WebPlus X6.

This project is worth 40 points.

Image Sources

There are a number of sources for Web site images.  Obviously images you have created yourself or pictures you have taken are a good source. Other sources include Web sites that can provide you with simple graphics such as icons, bars and simple backgrounds. If you do a search using the “free Web page icons” you will get hundreds of hits.  Below I have listed two of the sites that I think are the easiest to navigate in trying to find icons for your web sites.


A Word About Copyright

When ever you are using materials you have obtained from sources other the images of your own creation you must be aware of copyright issues.  On Web sites like the ones listed above you will see information about copyright (some times you have to look at the bottom of Web pages to find it).  On the first site listed above the following is found at the bottom of the pages containing the icons.

Disclaimer: Here you will find clip art collected from various web sites, contributors, and binary newsgroups. To the best of our knowledge, all of the clip art images available here are in the public domain and can be freely used by anyone. If you have evidence suggesting that one or more of the images existing on this server is copyrighted, then please e-mail us the details and we will remove them immediately.

Notice the words public domain this basically means that no one owns the images and you can use them freely.

On the second site listed above at the bottom of the home page you will find this:

NOTE:  Use of this Web Site or any Content or Services herein constitutes acceptance of the Conditions of Use and our Privacy Policy.   ALL CONTENT copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 IconBAZAAR LLC.   World rights reserved.   All commercial or institutional use of copyrighted materials requires licensure.

In this case there are links to Condition of Use, you should look at the information on this link to make sure that you are not violating any copyright laws by using the images on your Web site.

Copyright becomes a more difficult issue when you are acquiring individual images from Web sites or when you do an image search on search engines such as Google or Yahoo.

If you are creating Web sites for personal use only, you can be relatively sure that you will not have problems using graphics as long as they are general in nature.  It is never a good idea to use an image that has commercial identifications on them or of individual people you do not know.  Never use images form such sources as Disney or Universal.   

If you are using images on a commercial Web site and the images are not of your own creation you should always obtain permission to use the image on the site.

Publishing Your Web Pages

When you have completed this project publish it to the Web server.  If you do not remember how to publish your site go to lesson 1 and review the Publishing Your Web Site Page.

Send me an e-mail indicating the your have completed the Project 4, My e-mail address is

Grading is done by going to your Web site and reviewing the work your have published.

This project is worth 40 points.

Project 3 Images

Date modified 12-22-12

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