This project will begin on page 455 in the book with the activity “Use cell references in a formula”.


Alternate directions for opening and saving the table on page 387 under the section Create a Table.

Click on the link for the Turner document.

  1. Open the document in Microsoft Excel
  2. In Microsoft Excel click on File tab
  3. Click on Save As
  4. In the window that appears click on the Browse button
  5. In the Save as dialog box navigate to your USB drive
  6. Save the Turner as Turner Budget.

This project will end with the completion of the activity “Change the ll color” starting on page 486 in the book.

You will submit to the Project 6 drop box the completed Turner Budget workbook.  

You may print this workbook for your own records.

This project is worth 44 Points.

Project 6
Formatting a Workbook

Date modified 06-15-14