Lesson 2

Lesson 2 Text

In this lesson you will consider text as part of digital multimedia.  Text in multimedia can be much more then just reading paragraphs of information.  It can add to the look and feel of multimedia materials.  

Please read Chapter 5 Text in the book.  As you go through the chapter answer the questions on the Lesson 2 Worksheet.

Lesson 2 Worksheet 66 points

When you have completed the Lesson 2 Worksheet upload it to the Lesson 2 folder on the class D2L site.

Project 1 Use of Text in a Multimedia Application.

Using PowerPoint and the section 5.6 Guidelines for Use of Text, create a title slide and four blank slides using just text and Word Art to present information on a computer related subject.  This is not to be a PowerPoint presentation but a demonstration of your ability to organize and arrange text and graphic text (Word Art).  Here is an example of what I am looking for.  

This project is worth 30 points.

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Date modified 01-05-13