Set Up for Publishing

To start the set up process click on the the Publish to Web button.

The following dialog box will appear.

Click on the Accounts button the following dialog box will open.

The following dialog box will open, enter the following information.

Click on OK

In the Upload to Server dialog box click on the Test button to determine if your Account Details were entered correctly. You will see the following dialog box if you have entered the information correctly

If you see this dialog box proceed to The Lesson 1 Home Page and go to Publishing Your Web Site if not do the following;

Click on the Edit button

Check that all of your information is entered correctly

Click on OK

Click on the Test button

If you are still having problems contact me by e-mail at

Please provide as much information as possible about the problem you are encountering so that I can help you.


Click on the Add button

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Date modified 12-22-12