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Project 3:
Working with Images

Project 3 Working with Image


In this project you will learn how to use Picasa 3 to organize the digital images.


Click here to go to the Picasa Manual


Create the following folders with the appropriate images in each folder.






Irregular Objects


Choose at least two images in each of the folders and rename them to more accurately reflect the image.  Using the same images create new captions for each.


Cropping and Editing Images


In this section you will learn how to modify images.


Part 1: Cropping Photographs


1. Select one photograph to edit.

2. Using the New Folder command found in the File menu, create a new folder and name it Picasa Cropping and Editing, make sure you change the date to the current date.

3. Rename the photo you placed in the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder by using the Rename command in the File menu.  Rename the photo Cropped Photo 1. Do not include date or image resolution information in the name by checking the check boxes in the dialog box.

4. Open the photo by double clicking on it

5. Using the Crop button, crop the photo to a 4X6 print size.

6. Save a copy of the cropped photo by using the Save As command in the File menu.

7. In the Save As dialog box name the new file Cropped Photo 1 4X6

8. Undo the Crop

9. Using the Crop button, crop the photo to a 5X7 print size.

10. Save a copy of the cropped photo by using the Save As command in the File menu.

11. In the Save As dialog box name the new file Cropped Photo 1 5X7.

12. Undo the crop

13. Using the Crop button, crop the photo to an 8X10 print size.

14. Save a copy of the cropped photo by using the Save As command in the File menu.

15. In the Save As dialog box name the new file Cropped Photo 1 8X10.

16. Undo the crop


Go back to the library you should now see four different thumbnails of the photograph with the different names.

Choose one more photo from the images you have stored and copy them to the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder. Starting with step 4 rename the photo Cropped Photo 2 and then do steps 5 – 16 above.


Part 2: Auto Contrast


1. Select a photograph that will demonstrate contrast correction.

2. Copy the photograph to the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder

3. Rename the photo Auto Contrast Photo 1.

4. Open Auto Contrast Photo 1 by double clicking on it

5. Click on the Auto Contrast button.

6. Save the photo using Save As

7. Name it Auto Contrast Photo 1 Complete.

8. Find another photo that can demonstrate the contrast correction process.

9. Copy it to the folder Picasa Cropping and Editing

10. Name it Auto Contrast Photo 2

11. Perform steps 5-7 above.

12. Name the corrected photo Auto Contrast Photo 2 Complete.



Part 4: Auto Color


1. Select a photograph folder that will demonstrate color correction.

2. Copy the photograph to the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder

3. Rename the photo Auto Color Photo 1.

4. Open Auto Color Photo 1 by double clicking on it

5. Click on the Auto Color button.

6. Save the photo using Save As

7. Name it Auto Color Photo 1 Complete.

8. Find another photo that can demonstrate the color correction process.

9. Copy it to the folder Picasa Cropping and Editing

10. Name it Auto Color Photo 2

11. Perform steps 5-7 above.

12. Name the corrected photo Auto Color Photo 2 Complete.



Special Effects


Select a photo and copy it to the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder.  Rename the photo file name to Special Effects 1.  Using the Picasa special effects modify the photo.  Select  2 more photos and copy them to the Picasa Cropping and Editing folder.  Change the file name to Special Effects 2 and 3.  Apply different special effects to these photos.  


Capturing Images Using WinSnap


In this part of the project you will demonstrate the ability to use WinSnap to capture images from applications and Web sites open on the desktop.


Click here to go to an explanation of how to use WinSnap


I want you to capture and save at least 5 more images from various applications and Web sites and save them to a folder you create in the My Pictures folder.

Name the new folder WinSnap Images.


Capturing Images from Web Pages.


Click here to go to an explanation of to capture images from Web Pages


In this part of the project I want you to do an image search using any search engine you wish.  Download and save the images to a folder in the My Pictures folder.  Name this new folder Web Page Images.


This project is worth 50 Points.