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Lesson 5 Working with
Themes and Galleries

Open the tutorial Using Theme Graphics and Gallery


After step 1 save your new Web site as Sample Using Themes


To apply the Atlantis color scheme after selecting it click on OK.


Complete the rest of the tutorial and played with the various color schemes and Theme Graphics.



Lesson 5 Working with Theme Graphics and Galleries

This project constitutes the final for the class. In this project you are to use all of the skills you have learned throughout this course to create a Web site.  This Web site should meet the following requirements:



You should plan how this site is going to look and the relationship between pages in the site.  You should also gather all of your materials and have them on hand before you actually begin to create the Web site.  It makes this project more interesting if you choose a topic for the site that you are interested in.  I would also suggest that instead of trying to create something completely new you look at existing Web sites to find your information and your images.  


This project is worth 110 points in total, 80 points for completion and 30 points for effort.



Project 5 Class Final Project

When you have completed this project publish it to the Web server.  If you do not remember how to publish your site go to lesson 1 and review the Publishing Your Web Site Page.


Send me an e-mail indicating the your have completed the Project 5, My e-mail address is




Grading is done by going to your Web site and reviewing the work your have published.

Publishing Your Web Pages