Project 2: Excel Spreadsheet

Using the information below create a grade spreadsheet like the one described on the previous pages.  The first heading will be CIS 221, and the second heading will be Fall Semester 2011.  This project is worth 30 points.

The easiest way to do this project is to print this page, go back to the Adding Information to a Cell web page. Make sure that the spread sheet includes the total points for each student, the average for each student and the project avereage. Just follow the directions on the three sample pages but use the information below.

When you have completed this spread sheet upload it to the D2L drop box.

This project is worth 30 points.

Go To Previous Page
Formatting the Spreadsheet

Date modified 09-07-14

Below is how the completed spreadsheet should look. Make sure that you change the second line to read Fall Semester 2014