This project will begin on page 647 in the book with the activity “Starting PowerPoint”. In the first activities you will use a blank power Point. You will not be required to do or  save this part of the project


Alternate directions for opening and saving the table on page 653 under the section Using the AutoFit feature.

Click on the link for the Expansion document.

  1. Open the document in Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. In Microsoft PowerPoint click on File tab
  3. Click on Save As
  4. In the window that appears click on the Browse button
  5. In the Save as dialog box navigate to your USB drive

Save the  Expansion as Expansion Goals.

Starting on page 653 with the activity “Use the Autofit feature” you will be using the file Expansion which you saved as Expansion Goals.

This project will end with the completion of the activity “Add a header and footer to the notes pages and handouts.” starting on page 671 in the book.

You should review ““Reviewing, Previewing, and Printing a Presentation”.  This will help you understand the various ways to print presentations.

You will submit to the Project 8 drop box the completed “Expansion Goals” PowerPoint.  

This project is worth 40 Points.

Project 8
Creating a Presentation

Date modified 07-06-14