Lesson 1 Introductin Web Plus X2.
Lesson 2 Working with Text.
Lesson 3 Hyperlinks.
Lesson 4 Images.
Lesson 5 Final Project.
Faculty Home Page .
CIS 147 Home Page.

Instructor Information


John Putz Adjust Faculty Computer Science and Information Division


All e-mail for this class is to be done on the D2L system.  It is important that you contact me immediately if you have questions or are having any problems as you complete this course.




There is no text book, you will be reading current information related to Web design found on Web sites and doing Tutorials that are part of the program we will be using in this course


Web Design Program


You are expected to purchase and install the Web design program WebPlus X2, also you are expected to have access to a personal computer that is running a Windows operating system either XP or Vista (the program is not comparable with Mac computers). Also, there are no computers on campus on which this program is installed.  This program is available through the ECC bookstore as a package of CD’s and manuals.  I strongly recommend that you purchase the software through the book store so that you have all of this material in one place and can access it easily.


You can download the program from the Serif Web site.   You must know how to download large files on the Internet to directly purchase the program. You also do not automatically obtain the additional materials from the Serif site, you have to find them and is some cases purchase them separately.  I would recommend obtaining the CD of the program from the bookstore unless you are absolute sure that you know how to download and install software over the Internet.


One thing you might consider doing is obtaining the e-book version of the WebPlus X2 Users Guide.  Go to the address below;




Under Manual click on the link WebPlusX2 user’s guide, this will transfer the user’s guide to your computer.  You must have Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer to view the manual   If you do not have Acrobat reader installed on your computer go to the following web site to download and install it.




Push the Download button and follow the directions.


Once you have the user’s guide, you should save it on your computer in a place where you can find it.  To do this, go to the file menu of the Acrobat reader and click on Save a Copy.  Choose a folder to save it in,  The default of My Documents is OK  then click on Save.  This user’s guide is an invaluable source of information on the WebPlus X2 program that will not appear in the Tutorials you will be doing.


Class Work and Grading


There are two things you will be dong in this class, studying information about how to effectively create, producing and publishing Web pages and Web sites.




To help you effectively read the assigned reading worksheets have been created.  On the work sheets you will find the reading assignment and questions I want you to answer from the reading.  Each question on a worksheet has a point value of one or more point. Every worksheet will have a different value base on the number of questions.  The worksheets are in Microsoft word 2003 format.  You download the worksheets from the links on the Web site answer the questions and then submit the worksheets through the appropriate drop boxes on the D2L web site.


Web Projects


Every Web project will have a number of points based on its complexity.  




Below is a breakdown of the point totals for each of the project

Web Site Completion
Lesson 1: Introduction to WebPlus X2
Lesson 2 Working with text
Lesson 3 Hyperlinks
Lesson 4 Images
Lesson 5 Class Final Project

Total points for class work 335


Grading Scale

100% – 90% A

89% – 80% B

79% – 70% C

69% – 60% D


I cannot stress this enough, it is important that you keep up with the work in this class.  Do not get behind.  You will find if you get to far behind you will not be able to complete all of the project in time to earn a passing grade for this class. The assignment due dates are listed below:

Date Due
Project 1: Introduction to WebPlus X2
February 2
Project 2 Working with text
February 16
Project 3 Hyperlinks
March 9
Project 4 Images
April 13
Project 5 Class Final Project
May 18

Submitting Work


All projects may be completed and submitted before the due date.  The submission process:


For worksheets you submit them in the appropriate drop box on the D2L class web  site.


When you complete each Web page project you send me an e-mail on the D2l e-mail system telling me you have completed the project and it is ready for viewing.


CIS 147 Internet Publishing

Welcome to CIS 147-770 Internet Publishing.  In this class you will learn how the WWW (World Wide Web) works, how to create a Web site and how to publish your Web sites to the World Wide Web so that other people will be able to access your work.  You will learn how to work with text, graphic and navigation system to create  interesting and effective Web site.