CIS 114 Project 9
Photographic Special Effects

In this project you will learn to use special effects to create interesting variations on the photos you take.

1. Create a new folder in Picasa by choosing a single photo you feel will be a good candidate for adding special effects and name the folder Special Effects Photos.

2. Choose 9 more photos and copy them to the Special Effects Photos folder.

You will be working with the application ArcSoft PhotoStudio to create the special effects.  The shortcut icon for the program should be on the desktop.

1. Open PhotosStudio.

2. From the File menu choose open.

3. Navigate to the Special Effects Photo folder you created in the My Pictures folder and open that photo.

4.On the menu bar you will see an Effects menu, click on that menu item.

5. In the effects menu you will see many different effects that you can apply to the photo. Some of the effects have triangles next to them indicating that there is a sub-menu with more choices.

6. Apply a single effect to the photo and look at the results.  In some cases when you select an effect a dialog box will open and give you a control to vary the amount of the effect.

7. Click OK to accept the changes.

8. If you do not like the change, you can reverse it by going to the edit menu and select undo or use the key combination Ctrl + z.

9 When you have created a single effect that you like you will save it as a copy of the original file by;

A. Going to the file menu and select Save as....

B. Change the name of the file to reflect the effect you have applied to it

C. Click on Save

D. Undo the effect by going to the edit menu and select undo or use the key combination Ctrl + z.

10. Once you have completed creating a special effect on the image you can close the window the image is in.

11. Take 4 more of the photos and create a single special effect save each one as a separate file.

Creating Photos with Multiple Effects

1. Using steps 2 - 7 above create a single effect that you like on a photo.

2. Using steps 2 - 7 above create a second effect that you like on a photo.

3. Once you have the two effects you like save it as a copy of the original file by;

A. Going to the file menu and select Save as....

B. Change the name of the file to reflect the effect you have applied to it

C. Click on Save

D. Undo the effect by going to the edit menu and select undo or use the key combination Ctrl + z twice.

4. Take the other 4 photos and apply multiple special effects saving each one as a new file..

This project is worth 40 points

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Date modified 12-27-12