Saving Images From an
 Image Search

Following is a example of how the Google search web site works with image searches. Other search engines will work in different ways but the way to save images is similar.

When you do a search for images in Google the first screen that appears looks like the one below;

The images you see on this screen are thumbnails of the actual image.  Below the thumbnail is information about the images width and height, the file size and the origin of the image.

The thumbnails that are seen on this page are not the actual size of the picture.  To see the full size image;

Click on the thumbnail, the following Web page will appear;

Click on See full size image, when the full size image appears right click on it and form the menu select Save Image As, The save as dialog box will appear.  

At this point you can select a folder to put the images in, I like to go to the My Pictures folder in the My Documents folder and inside the my pictures folder create a folder for the images and graphic I am downloading for a specific project.


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Date modified 12-22-12