Tim Malone's ECC Web Page

ECC Homepage

Tim Malone
Instructor of History and Political Science
Office: SRC 386A
Telephone: (847) 214-7812

Classes Tim Malone teaches:
(Note: click on course title for most recent syllabus; click on readings for a copy of the reading)

History 151: United States  History to 1877
Morgan Article
     *Tom and Sally Articles
*McPherson Articles

History 152: United States  History since 1877
*Capitalism Handout

History160: American Civilization

History 170: History of Illinois

       *Black Hawk Quiz

Political Science 150: American  Government


General Comments:

"We know the future only by the past we project on it.  History, in this sense, is all we have."

"History interprets the past for the purposes of the present with a view to managing the future."

Both quotes from The Landscape of History: How Historians Map the Past, by John Lewis Gaddis (2002)



-         www.oah.org

-         William and Mary Quarterly

Sauk Chief Keokuk (1830's)