Picture of Susan Timm.

Hello! My name is Susan A. Timm.

Welcome to my Website's Home Page.

Since junior high, I have been involved in communication-related areas of study. I find communication exciting and challenging so I earned both my bachelor's and master's degrees in this field. I knew the moment I began my doctoral studies in Education for Business that I wanted to continue my research in communication.

I have a diverse background, which has led me to a concern for multicultural issues. First, I was raised in the South where I witnessed discrimination first hand. I grew up as a military brat. As a result, I lived in Spain, Colombia, Canada, and also in economically depressed areas of the U.S. Also, I have traveled to Mexico, Japan, and Taiwan. Throughout my travels, education, work, and personal experiences, I have interacted with people from a wide range of diverse cultures. I find that most people are sincere in their desire to relate peacefully to others. In spite of this fact, learning to be more understanding and tolerant of diverse cultural groups is a major problem for some U.S. citizens.

I am saddened by the lack of compassion and the blatant racism that is prevalent in society as a whole. The U.S. appears to have entered a time of escalating hatred. Today, tensions extend not only from the general public but also from university communities where intellect was once thought to eliminate such biases. I have been involved in institutions of higher learning either as a student, teacher, counselor, or administrator since 1973. Throughout these years of experience, I have observed discrimination in educational environments from the East Coast to the Midwest.

As I began more detailed research in both communication and multicultural sensitivity, I found direct links between these two areas. The opportunity to expand on previous research in communication and in issues of human diversity through my dissertation study was inspiring. Thus, I seized the opportunity to develop a practical approach aimed at expanding individuals' levels of multicultural sensitivity and communication knowledge. For all these reasons, I am drawn to continually researching methods for advancing intercultural relationships.

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Page up-dated: July 20, 2006

Direct questions about this webpage to  Dr. Susan Timm