SUSAN A. TIMM, Ed.D.                                         Back to Timm’s Home Page

Education                                         Teaching History             Publications                         Conference Presentations

Campus/Volunteer Activities         Awards/Recognition         Professional Affiliations     Work History

Professional Summary

    Highly accomplished professional with proven track record of success, leadership, and innovation in all facets of higher education over diverse industrial, business, and instructional environments.

    Faculty Associate for Women’s Studies; well published; research interests encompass business, communication, diversity, gender, learning, listening, mentoring, retention.

    Trainer Certified, Motorola University, five-course Customer Care curriculum.

    Earned 2002 PT3 Grant for Technology; completed courses on Internet and web page design and various workshops on on-line delivery and making web pages accessible; designed two web pages, one which won 2002 Award for Most Accessible Site; competent with several software packages including Microsoft Office Suite; grant writer.

    Multicultural; possess basic knowledge of Spanish, French, and Asian languages and cultures; traveled to/lived in Canada, Colombia, Japan, Mexico, Spain, and Taiwan.

  Recognized as an advocate for students.


Postgraduate Master of Science in Education, August 2006

Emphases: Foundations of Education and Multicultural Education

Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations, College of Education, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 60115

Master’s Project: WebQuest on History of Language Usage in Fox Valley Area, Illinois


Doctorate of Education in Business, December 1997

Emphases: Training & Development and Adult Continuing Education

Department of Management, College of Business, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 60115

Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of the Influence of Listening/Nonverbal Communication Training on Multicultural Sensitivity

Award Earned: International Listening Associations Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Award


Master of Arts, December 1980, Major: Communication Arts

Emphases: Human Resource Management and Counseling


College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, State University of New York (SUNY), Plattsburgh, 12901

Bachelor of Arts, August 1977, Major: Communication Arts

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, SUNY, Plattsburgh


Teaching History                                                                                 Back to Top of Vita Page

Credit                          Non-Credit, Training, Keynote Addresses, And Other Programs

Credit Courses

    Educational Psychology and Foundations (EPFE) 505: Foundations of Language Minority Education, NIU, graduate, three credits, Sum 2002 & Spr 2003.

    EPFE 201: Education as an Agent of Change, NIU, undergraduate, general education course, three credits, Fall 1998-Present; provide information concerning role of education as agent of change in multicultural communities and prepare critical thinkers.

    Communication (COMS) 100: Fundamentals of Oral Communication, undergraduate, general education course, three credits, NIU, Fall 2002-Present; Fall 2000 & Spr 1989-Spr 1992.

    COMS 100P: Fundamentals of Oral Communication, CHANCE (special admissions) students, three credit, NIU, Fall 2002 & Spr 1990-Spr 1992.

    Using Communication to Reduce Conflict in Organizations, undergraduate, two competencies, School for New Learning─DePaul University, Naperville Campus, Spr 2001, Spr 2002, & Fall 2003.

    Research Seminar, two life-long learning competencies, undergraduate, School for New Learning─DePaul University, Naperville Campus, Wtr 2002.

    Counseling, Adult and Health Education (CAHC) 490: Leadership and Retention, NIU, undergraduate and graduate, three credits, Spr 1995-Spr 2002; conducted research, developed, and evaluated pilot project from which course was developed.

    Speech (SPC) 321: Persuasion, Judson College, Elgin, Illinois, undergraduate, Spr 2001.

    SPC 120: Foundations of Speech Judson College, Elgin, undergraduate, Fall 2000 & Spr 2001.

    Management (MGMT) 630: Organizational Communication, two credits, graduate, MBA program, NIU, Spr 2000.

    MGMT 347: Writing for AccountancyPhase Three, writing-across-the-curriculum course, one credit, undergraduate, NIU, Spr 2000.

    Marketing 458: Internship, NIU, undergraduate, three credits, Sum 2000; supervised intern conducting marketing analysis for an annual conference.

    University (UNIV) 101: University Experience, NIU, one credit, Fall 1998.

    Interdisciplinary Studies Program (IDSP) 211: Educating for Cultural Sensitivity, NIU, three credit hours, Fall 1998, team taught with Director of Center for Black Studies.

    Management (MGMT) 451: Writing for AccountancyPhase One, writing-across-the-curriculum course, one credit, NIU, Fall 1993-Fall 1994 (six sections each semester).

    MGMT 347: Business Report Writing, three credits, NIU, Fall 1992-Spr 1994.

    Communication (COMS) 361: Business and Professional Communication, three credits, NIU, Fall 1990-Spr 1992.

    Speech (SP) 100: Introduction to Speech, three credits, WCC, Spr 1982-Fall 1995.

    Speech (SP) 100: Introduction to Speech, three credits, Elgin Community College, Spr 1986-Fall 1987.

    Speech (SP) 100: Introduction to Speech, three credits, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Fall 1981.

    Speech/Theater (SP/TH) 100: Introduction to Speech, three credits, Clinton Community College (CCC), Plattsburgh, NY, Spr 1978-Sum 1981.

    Communication (COMS) 100: Speech Communication, three credit hours, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, 12901, Fall 1979-Fall 1980.

Non-Credit, Training, Keynote Addresses, and Other Programs

                                                                                                                        Back to Top of Vita Page


    NIU Cooperative Education/Internship Program Advisory Board Meeting, The Gift of Listening. DeKalb, IL, Nov 2002.

    Organization for Latin American Students, Uniting Together for Success. DeKalb, IL, Aug 2002.

    Hispanic Consortium, University and College Latino Student Support Programs. Palatine, IL, Mar 2002.

    Hispanic Educational Summit, Partnering for Latina/o Student Success. Cicero, IL, Feb 2002.

    Student Education Association, Deepening Awareness: Issues of Diversity. DeKalb, Fall 2001.

    Greek Panhellenic Council, Communicating: A Self Assessment. DeKalb, Spr 2001.

    Northern Illinois University, University Peer Mentor Training, Facilitator, DeKalb, IL, Jan & Sept, 1999, 2000, & 2001.

    Illinois State Conference for Business Professionals of America, Ballooning Your Leadership Potential, Oak Brook, IL, Nov 1999.

    Wisconsin State Conference for Phi Beta LambdaFuture Business Leaders, Waiting for the Future, or Making the Future, NIU, Oct 1999.

    Northern Illinois University, Department of Communication, SpeakerActive Listening Skills, DeKalb, IL, Aug, 1999.

    Future Leaders in Minority Health Fellowship Program, Communication Skills two-hour workshop, Chicago, Spr 1998.

    Communication Department COMS 100 Teaching Assistants Orientation Program, Everything I Learned About Listening, I Learned from . . . , NIU, Aug 1998.

    Panel, Neptune Residence Hall Association, Cultural Barriers to Learning at NIU, Mar 1996.

    Co-Presented mentoring preparation workshop, Illinois Mathematics and Sciences Academy, Spr 1996.

    Facilitated one, two-day and one, one-day Motorola International seminars on communication and team work for business executives for Corporate Dynamics, Inc., Jan 1995.

    Organized/presented half-day workshop for Part-Time Faculty at Waubonsee Community College, Creating a Learning Environment in the Classroom, Feb 19, 1994.

    Discover Card Marketing Group, Professional Business Report Writing, two-day workshop; presented tips for speaking confidently; edited group research report; helped provide training needs and employee analysis for Aurand Marketing, Inc., 1993-94.

    Conducted communication segment of Parent Effectiveness Training (PET) workshop, Oswego School District, 1992-93.

    Tips for Teaching Effective Listening, NIU COMS department instructors/teaching assistants, Fall 1992.

    Keynote, Central Regional Conference of the Golden Key National Honor Society, Keys to an Effective Presentation, Rochelle, IL, Apr 5, 1991.

    Speaker, Delta Sigma Pi, business, honorary fraternity, How to Give a More Professional Presentation, NIU, Oct 1990.

    AT&T, developed and presented effective verbal communication skills workshops for a total of 250 managers, Montgomery, IL, 1987-1989.

    AT&T and Caterpillar Tractor Company, directed all aspects of workshops on professional verbal and written communication skills for managers and floor personnel, Montgomery, IL, 1984-1989.

    Louise White Elementary School, workshop for kindergarten through sixth grades, How to Tell a Great Story: Oral Interpretation Techniques, Batavia, Illinois, 1986.

    CETA/JTPA, Employment Seeking Skills for Unskilled Workers, Clinton County, NY, 1980-1981.

    Forensic Team Assistant Coach, Individual Events and Debate, Fall 1977-Sum 1981.

    SAC/USAF, Officers' Training Program, helped present Leadership in Communications Skills, Plattsburgh Air Force Base, NY, Fall 1977-Fall 1980.

  Effective Group Meetings, faculty workshop, WCC, Fall 1978.

    Conference on the Aged and Aging, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, Effective Communication Skills, Plattsburgh, NY, Spr 1978.


Publications                                                                                      Back to Top of Vita Page


Reviewed Articles in Journals and Other Publications                 Other Publications


Reviewed Articles in Journals and Other Publications


    Timm, S. A., Avila, E., Gutierrez, G., & Armstrong, K. B. (in press). Walking Along Side Latinos: How A University Unit Assumes the Role of Mentor. In K. B. Armstrong, Pathways of Diversity and Enlightenment. DeKalb, IL: Educational Studies Press.

    Davis, N. with Timm, S. A. (2002). The Use of Creative Comparisons to Stimulate Critical Thinking in the Learning Process, Thresholds in Education, 28(2), pp. 30-35.

    Armstrong, K. B. & Timm, S. A. (2002). An Exploration into the Use of Questioning and Other Communication Strategies in Diverse Learning Environments: Phase III, 21st Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education Proceedings, DeKalb, Illinois, pp. 13-18.

    Timm, S., Aurand, T., & Ridnour, R. (2000). Listening Competence within Marketing and Other Business Disciplines: Phase I―Measuring College Student Perceptions, The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 42(2), pp. 78-89.

    Timm, S., & Schroeder, B. L. (2000). Listening/Nonverbal Communication Training, International Journal of Listening, 14, pp. 109-128.

    Timm, S. (2000). Listening Experiential Exercise, In K. Taylor, C. Marienau, and M. Fiddler (Eds.), Developing Adult Learners: Strategies for Teachers and Trainers, pp. 207-211. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

    Timm, S., & Armstrong, K. (2000, Oct). The Classroom as a Model of Social Justice, The Adult Higher Education Alliance/American Council of Education Conference Proceedings, DeKalb, Illinois.

    Timm, S., & Armstrong, K. (2000, Oct). Effective communication in the diverse classroom and beyond. Business Education Forum, pp. 16-17.

    Timm, S., & Armstrong, K. (1999, May). Associative Ethical Dilemmas for Multicultural Sensitivity Assessment Derived from Adult Educational Theory, Adult Education Research Conference Proceedings, DeKalb, Illinois.

    Timm, S., Fuentes, S., & Gutierrez, G. (1996, Oct). Preparing Culturally Diverse Groups for Successful Participation in Higher Education Through Peer Mentoring Programs, The Minority Student Today: Recruitment, Retention, and Success Proceedings, San Antonio, Texas.

    Timm, S. (1996, Aug). Workers Education: The Connection Between Adult and Business Education, Thresholds in Education.

    Timm, S., Gutierrez, G., & Hannah, M. (1996, Apr). Knowing Self, Communicating, and Integrating with Others in a Common Goal to Succeed Through Education, Adult Education Research Symposium Proceedings, Chicago.

    Timm, S., & Armstrong, K. (1995, Nov). Valuing Minorities Diversity: What Is Really Happening at Northern Illinois University and On Campuses Across the Country, Thresholds in Education.

    Timm, S., & Wang, S. (1995, Nov). Survey of Chinese Students' Level of Participation/ Interactions in the U.S. Classroom, Thresholds in Education.

    Timm, S., Armstrong, K., & Gutierrez, G. (1995, Oct). Preparation for Peer Mentoring: A Pilot Project, Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education Proceedings, Wheaton, Illinois.

    Mausehund, J., Timm, S., & King, A. (1995, Mar). Diversity Training: Effects of an Intervention Treatment on Nonverbal Awareness, Business Communication Quarterly, pp. 27-30.

    Mausehund, J., & Timm, S. (1994, Sep). Teaching Strategies for Nonverbal Skills, Delta Pi Epsilon's Instructional Strategies and Techniques, entire monograph.

    Timm, S. (1994). Creative teaching tip: An International Handbook, Illinois Business Education Association Creative Ideas for Enhancing Classroom Instruction, p. 24.

    Mausehund, J., & Timm, S. (1992, May). Improving Listening Skills: Instructional Resources and Strategies, Delta Pi Epsilon's Instructional Strategies and Techniques, entire monograph.


Other Publications                                                                                     Back to Top of Vita Page


    Timm, S. A. & Armstrong, K. B. (Eds). (2002). Counting Our Chickens Before They Hatch Constructing New Visions of Diversity, Thresholds in Education, 28(2).

u Timm, S. A. &Armstrong, K. B. (2002). Counting Our Chickens Before They Hatch Introduction, Thresholds in   Education, 28(2), pp. 1-2.

    Timm, S. (1995). Chapter 20: Oral Communications, Office Systems and Administration (Prentice Hall), third ed., B. L. Schroeder (Ed).

     Timm, S. (1995, Aug 28). Changing Workplace: Looking at the End From the Beginning, Northern Star.

     Timm, S. (Ed.) (1994, Jan). Strategies for Writing in Accountancy, S. Smith, author, Department of Accountancy, NIU.

Conference Presentations

    Armstrong, K. B. & Timm, S. A. (2002). An Exploration into the Use of Questioning and Other Communication Strategies in Diverse Learning Environments: Phase III, 21st Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, DeKalb, IL, Oct 2002.

    Illinois Association for Career & Technical Education Conference, Teaching in a Diverse Classroom(Two Sessions) Issues and Concerns & Instructional Strategies, Springfield, IL, Feb 2002.

    Illinois Association for Career & Technical Education Conference, Teaching in a Diverse Classroom(Two Sessions) Issues and Concerns & Instructional Strategies, Springfield, IL, Feb 2002.

    Voz de la Alianza Latina Estudiantil (VALE) Latina/o Leadership Conference, Ballooning Your Leadership Skills, NIU, Feb 2002.

    Instructional Activities for Integrating Diversity in the Classroom, Delta Pi Epsilon Summer Conference 2001, DeKalb.

    International Listening Association Convention, Listening for Social Justice in the Classroom, Chicago, Mar 2001.

    The Adult Higher Education Alliance/American Council of Education Conference, The Classroom as a Model of Social Justice. Chicago, Oct 2000.

    International Listening Association Convention, Listening as a Mechanism for Spiritual Understanding and Self-Improvement, and They are not Quiet, We are not Listening: The Use of Questioning in the Learning Environment, Virginia Beach, VA, Mar 2000.

    American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Annual Meeting, The Listening Process: Nonverbal Behavioral Dimensions with Sales and Marketing Implications, Las Vegas, Feb 2000.

    VALE Latina/o Leadership Conference, "Factors Affecting Latina/o Student Retention," NIU, Feb 2000.

    The NIU Presidential Commission on the Status of WomenEmpowering Women V: Across the Spectrum, Is Your Success Showing Nonverbal Communication Strategies for Projecting an Empowered Self-Image, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Nov 1999.

    Adult Education Research Conference, Associative Ethical Dilemmas for Multicultural Sensitivity Assessment Derived from Adult Educational Theory, DeKalb, May 1999.

    Association for Business Communication Midwest U.S. Convention, Reevaluation of Successful Business Communication Learning Projects, Chicago, Apr 1999.

    International Listening Association Convention, A Discussion About the Study that Won the 1998 ILA Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Award, and Using Self-Mentoring Techniques to Listen Within, Albuquerque, NM, Mar 1999.

    VALE Latina/o Leadership Conference, "Dear Momma, I Miss Your . . . : Adjustment Strategies for New Students," NIU, Feb 1999.

    Association for Business Communication International Convention, Faces and Facets of Diversity and The Influence of Communication Training on Multicultural Sensitivity, San Antonio, Nov 1998.

    National Christian Multicultural Student Leadership Conference, Uniting in Higher Education for a Common Goal: Graduation, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, Nov 1998.

    International Listening Association Convention, two-hour interactive workshop entitled, Opening the Hearts and Minds of a Diverse Workforce, Kansas City, MO, Mar 1998.

    VALE Latina/o Leadership Conference, "Been There, Done That. Tips for Getting Out of and Staying Away From Academic Difficulty," NIU, Feb 1998.

    VALE Latina/o Leadership Conference, "A Look at Issues Facing Latina/o Students: Case Studies," NIU, Feb 1997.

  Association for Business Communication International Convention, The Effect of Using Electronic Mail as a Communication Tool on Students Perceptions of E-Mail in a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Accounting Course, Chicago, Nov 1996.

    The Minority Student Today: Recruitment, Retention, and Success, "Preparing Culturally Diverse Groups for Successful Participation in Higher Education Through Peer Mentoring Programs," San Antonio, TX, Oct 1996.

    Moderator, Delta Pi Epsilon Regional Spring Conference, Student Panel Discussion: International Students and Global Travelers in Education, Kishwaukee Community College, Malta, Apr 1996.

    Adult Education Research Symposium, Knowing Self, Communicating, and Integrating with Others in a Common Goal to Succeed Through Education, Chicago, Apr 1996.

    VALE Latina/o Leadership Conference, Will You Graduate If Pablo and Virginia Can Do It, So Can You! NIU, Feb 1996.

    Leadership, Evaluation, and Policy Studies (LEPS) Research Symposium: Education, Democracy, and Work, Connections Between Adult and Workers Education: An Historical Perspective, NIU, Feb 1996.

    Association for Business Communication International Convention, Diversity Training: An Experiential Exercise in Nonverbal Awareness and Survey of Learning Style Preferences Among Students Identified by Majors and Cultural Background, Orlando, Nov 1995.

    Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education, Preparation for Peer Mentoring: A Pilot Project, National Lewis University, Oct 1995.

    Association of Business Communication Midwest Regional Convention, Nonverbal Communication, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Apr 1994.

  Delta Pi Epsilon Regional Fall Conference, Creating a Learning Environment in the Classroom, NIU, Sept 1993.

  Chicago Area Business Educators Association Regional Spring Conference, Incorporating Listening Activities into the Curriculum, Chicago, Mar 1992.

    Illinois Business Education Association Conference, Embracing Listening in the Classroom, Springfield, Nov 1991.

    New York State Speech Association, Getting Involved in Your NYS Legislature, Saratoga Springs, Fall 1977.


Campus and Other Volunteer Activities                           Back to Top of Vita Page


    Small Group Facilitator, Preparation Training, University Peer Counselors, 1999-Present.

    NIU Coordinator, Rochelle Junior High Latino/a Mentoring Program, Spr 1997-Present.

    Huskie Host, University open houses and group visits; volunteer for New Student Welcome Days, 1996-Present.

    Family Orientation Programs, Northern Illinois University, Summers 1995-Present.

    Serve as an advisor for Miss Latina NIU cultural pageant, 2000-Present.

    NIU Move-In Program, 1995-Present.

    Faculty Advisor and Honorary Member, Sigma Lambda Gamma (Latina-oriented sorority), 1995-Present.

    Manuscript Editor and Reviewer, Educational Services Press, Northern Illinois University, Spr 1999-Present.

    Manuscript Editor and Reviewer, Discovery House Association Press, Naperville, 2002-Present.

    University mentoring program, Freshmen Connections, 1993 to 1999.

    University Programming and Activities selection committee, Institutional Tuition Waivers, 2002.

  Search Committee, Assistant Director, Center for Black Studies, NIU, 2001.

  Constitution 2000 Committee, Student Association, NIU, 1998-1999.

  University Committee for the Improvement of Undergraduate Education, NIU, 1998-1999.

    Advisory Council, Future Leaders in Minority Health Fellowship Program, Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), University of Illinois at Chicago; Selection sub-committee, Summer 1997-2000.

    Guest Lecturer across campus and in community on topics dealing with business, communication, cultural diversity issues, and learning to learn, Spring 1989-Present.

  Provide assistance to Young Hispanic Females Leadership Conference, 1997, 2001, 2002.

    Selection Committee for administrative positions within the Office of the University Resources for Latinos.

  Helped create preparation for peer mentoring program for University Resources for Latinos, 1994.

  Judge, 1991 and Entertainment Coordinator, 1990 & 1991, NIU Unity in Diversity Speech Contest.

    Coordinate Student Volunteers, Midwest Training Conference, 1992-1998.

    Initiated, organized, and coordinated The American Family Connection, match international students with U.S. families, 1993-1996.

  Selection Committee, NIU Outstanding Latina/o Student Service Awards, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.

  Assist with Delta Pi Epsilon (business education) Fall, Spring, and Summer conferences, 1991-Present

  Advisor for Voz de la Alianza Latina Estudiantil (VALE) Leadership Conference, 1996-2000

  Judge, Business Professionals of America Area 15 Competition, Jan 1998

  Search Committee, Director of Student Support Services, 1998

  University Programming and Activities selection committee, Student Leadership Awards, 1997-1998.

  Completed NIU Freshmen Connections Faculty/Staff Development Workshop, 1997

    Initiated and organized area visit by Dr. Eloy Rodriguez, world famous scientist; coordinated/publicized two receptions and four separate speaking engagements, Apr 1996

    Search committee for Program Coordinator, University Resources for Latinos, Fall 1996

    Co-Chair, 33rd Annual Conference, Illinois Business Education Association, November 1995

    Served on COMS 100: Introduction to Speech Communication Curriculum Committee

    Co-presented listening workshop for department instructors

    Instructed communication unit, Parent Effectiveness Training workshops, Oswego School District

  Assisted at National Speech Communication Association Conference, Chicago

  Judged various community civic organizations speech contests


Awards and Recognition                                                            Back to Top of Vita Page


   U.S. Department of Educations Preparing Tomorrows Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) Mini-Grant Recipient, 2002

      Faculty Associate for Women’s Studies, selected for three-year term, 2002

  NIU Best of the Web Awards 2002―Most Accessible Site

  Presidential Supportive Professional Staff Award for Excellence, NIU, 1999

      Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, NIU, May 1998Outstanding Woman Student

    International Listening Association, Mar 1998Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Award and Certificate of Appreciation

  Supportive Professional Staff Development Award, NIU, Feb 1998Grant Recipient

    Voz de la Alianza Latina Estudiantil (VALE) Leadership Conference, NIU, Feb 1997, 1998, 2000, 2002Recognition of Service Award, Faculty/Staff Category

    El Pueblo Unido, NIU, May 1995Servant of the People Award

    Office of the Provost, NIU, Mar 1995Certificate of Service Award, University Mentoring Program

    AT&T Montgomery Works, Jun 1988Certificate of Recognition, Outstanding Performance in Communication Seminars

  Waubonsee Community College, Summer Speech Class of 1986Super Teacher Award

    Modern Woodmen of America Civic Oration Contest, Goodwin Elementary School, North Aurora, IL 1983Certificate of Appreciation for Service as a Judge

  Clinton Community College, Speech Class of 1979 Outstanding Teacher Award

  Pi Kappa Delta Forensic Honorary Fraternity, 1978Degree of Special Distinction

  Collegiate Forensic National Tournament, George Mason University, 1977Pentathlon Qualifier

  New York State Speech Tournament, 1977Champion, Poetry Interpretation

  New York State Speech Tournament, 1977Fifth Place, Impromptu

    East Coast Speech Tournament, Southern Connecticut State College, 1976Second Place, Poetry Interpretation

    East Coast Speech Tournament, Southern Connecticut State College, 1976Fifth Place, Informative Speaker

  Great Eastern No. 1, Pennsylvania University, 1976Second Place, After-Dinner Speaker

Professional Affiliations                                                         Back to Top of Vita Page

      American Association of Women in Community Colleges

      Association for Business Communication, Diversity Committee

      Delta Pi Epsilon (honorary business education graduate research society), President local chapter (4th term)

      Future Leaders in Minority Health Fellowship, Advisory Council

      Illinois Business Education Association

      Illinois Association for Career & Technical Education

      International Association of Administrative Professionals—Elgin Chapter

      International Listening Association

      League of United Latin American Citizens

      National Business Education Association

      Parents Advocating for Latina/o Students, Alumni Liaison

Work History

ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE (ECC), Elgin, Illinois 60123

Office Administration Technology Department, Fall 2003-Present, Assistant Professor

Supervisor: Vince Pelletier, 847-214-7900

      Responsible for teaching office administration and technology classes as well as two basic business courses: Business communication and customer service and introduction to speech.

      Teach introduction to college.

Northern Illinois University (NIU), DeKalb 60115

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication Studies, Fall 2002-Present; Fall 2000 & Spr 1989-Fall 1992, Instructor

Supervisor: Ferald Bryan, 815.753.7100

  Responsible for basic communication skills and business communication courses; taught resume writing and interviewing techniques; videotaped students performances for critical analyzes of communication and interviewing skills; served on COMS 100: Introduction to Speech Communication Curriculum Committee; teaching CHANCE program students (at-risk, special admittance) requires correlating activities with Program Director, lab coordinator and leaders, and fellow instructors.


College of Education, Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations, Adjunct Faculty (Fall 1998-Present)

Supervisor: Wilma Miranda, 815.753.1562

  Teach one to two sections of undergraduate course, Education as an Agent of Change, each semester; course content deals with multicultural concepts in society as explored through education, business, and government contexts; teach graduate course, Foundations of English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education.

DePaul University, 25 E. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604-2287

School for New Learning, Naperville Campus, Visiting Faculty (Mar 2000-Present) and Professional Advisor (Jul 1999-Present)

Supervisor: Corinne Benedetto, 312.362.8001

  Serve as teacher/mentor while providing opportunities to attain and demonstrate competence; provide assistance in clarifying and developing students’ Individual Focus areas and related goals through advising, counseling, evaluating; assure that students meet standards of professional preparation; help students seek innovative and alternative learning options.


Discovery Association Publishing House, 150 W. Warrenville Rd, Naperville, IL 60563


Co-chair, By-Laws and Parliamentary Procedures Committees (Sum 2001-Present)

Executive Editor: Keith Armstrong, 630.848.0482

  Helped to establish by-laws and parliamentary procedures for new publishing house; review and edit manuscripts; voting board member.

NIU, DeKalb, 60115

University Resources for Latinos (URL), Assistant Director (1998-2002), Acting Director (Spr 1999), and Academic Counselor (1995-1998)

Supervisor: George A. Gutierrez, 815.753.1987

    Commended by Director for dedication to student support services and strong work ethic;. earned promotion to Assistant Director from starting position of Academic Counselor; served as Acting Director for one semester.

      Wrote grant proposals; seek external funding for several programs and projects.

  Responsible for advising Latino/a students concerning academic affairs and assisting with grade appeals; contact students concerning academic and registration information.

  Interacted with offices of deans and chairs to coordinate students academics; work with director on recruitment and retention strategies; developing longitudinal study concerning retention; host visiting student groups.

  Planned programs and activities in various academic areas; assist with Family Weekend events and semester picnics for students.

  Worked with director of office on recruitment and retention strategies; developing longitudinal study concerning retention; host visiting student groups.

College of Business, Department of Management, Spr 2000 & Fall 1988 & Fall 1992-Fall 1994

Instructor, Business Report Writing and Writing for Accountancy [Phase Two] (Spr 2000) & [Phase One] (Fall 1992-Fall 1994); Director, Business Communication Skills Lab (Fall 1988 & Fall 1992-Fall 1994)

Supervisor: Daniel Wunsch, 815.753.6303

  Writing for Accountancy required interactions with program coordinator and accountancy professors; developed accounting-related writing activities; edited class text.

  Reorganized and updated business communication library resources; communication lab duties consisted of aiding students with writing projects and tutoring; taught WordPerfect and PowerPoint programs to students.

  Trainer Certified, Motorola University, five-course Customer Care curriculum; presented several workshops on communication across campus including listening and nonverbal communication.

  Co-Chair, 33rd Annual Conference, Illinois Business Education Association, Nov 1995.

  Created preparation for mentoring program, The Committee for Mentoring Research, 1994.

Judson College, 1151 N. State St., Elgin, IL 60123-1498

Adjunct Faculty (Fall 2000 & Spr 2001)

Supervisor: Pat Hargis, 847.695.2500

  Served as teacher and mentor while guiding students in attaining and demonstrating communication competence; teach basic speech and persuasion courses.


Elgin Community College, Elgin, IL 60120                                                               Back to Top of Vita Page


Department of Speech Communication, Spr 1986-Fall 1987, Adjunct Faculty

  Recognized by department chair for excellence in teaching; taught basic communication course.

Waubonsee Community College (WCC), Sugar Grove, IL 60554

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Corporate Training and Development, Spr 1982-Fall 1994

Adjunct Faculty/Facilitator

Supervisor: Bob Gage, 630.466.7900

  Responsible for courses and workshops in communication and communication-related areas; directed theater troupe; accompanied students to community performances.

  Co-presented part-time faculty workshop on creating learning environments in the classroom, Feb 22, 1994.

  Planned, taught, evaluated verbal communication skills workshop for 250 managers, AT&T, Montgomery, IL, 1987-1989; directed all aspects of workshops in professional verbal/written communication skills for managers and floor personnel of AT&T and Caterpillar Tractor Company, Montgomery, IL, 1984-1989.

  Judged community civic organizations speech contests; organized speech team; accompanied students to competitions.

College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137

Department of Speech Communication, Fall 1981, Adjunct Faculty

Supervisor: Sarah Sally Hadley, 630-942-2800

  Taught basic communication course.

Clinton Community College, Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Speech and Theater Department, Spr 1978-Sum 1981, Acting Chair (one year) and Instructor

Supervisor: Michael Swartz, 518.562.4197

  Responsible for all aspects of communication and theater courses, preparing budget and supply requisitions for department, and counseling students about academic concerns; reduced department expenditures while expanding activities.

  Directed student theater and student readers theater productions for community performances; arranged for professional performances at the college including set-up and publicity.

  Presented faculty workshop on effective group meetings; served as faculty senate parliamentarian; trained students for public relations campaign; functioned as advisor for school newspaper; coached competitive speech team; accompanied students to state competitions.

  Provided segment on effective communication skills, Conference on the Aged and Aging, Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital, Plattsburgh, NY, Spr 1978; taught employment training program for unskilled workers for local city/county government.

State University of New York, Plattsburgh, 12901

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication Studies, Fall 1977-Fall 1980, Instructor, Individual Events Coach, and Graduate Assistant

Supervisors: Albert Montanaro & Melvin Donaho, 518.564.2000

  Responsibilities included teaching courses in communication; served as assistant coach and as judge for speech competitions across country; aided professors with competitive speech programs, classroom instruction, research.

  Helped present Leadership and Communications Skills, SAC/USAF, Officers' Training Program.

  Researched and aided in writing and illustrating pamphlet entitled: Getting Involved in Your NYS Legislature; presented findings at state speech convention.


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