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My name is Susan. I was born in Austin, Texas. My father was in the Air Force, so we traveled quite a bit. I had the exciting opportunity to live in Goosebay, Labrador, Canada and Barcelona, Spain. Then, I lived in Cali, Colombia as an exchange student for one summer. When I was younger, we would travel to Mexico on occasion to shop and site see. When we lived in upper-state New York, we would visit some Canadian towns and cities, especially Montreal. My husband and I have had the opportunity to travel to Taiwan and Japan. We both love to travel! 

I received my Master's of Arts Degree in Communication Studies from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh. That area is in the Adirondack Mountains near Lake Champlain, about one hour south of Montreal, Canada and about one and one half hours north east of Lake Placid, where the winter Olympics were held. In December 1997, I received my Doctorate of Education in Business from the Department of Management at Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb.

Currently, I serve as a tenure-track Instructor in the Department of Office Administration & Technology at Elgin Community College (ECC). In this capacity, I teach business communication, customer service, professional development, and PowerPoint. I am looking forward to advancing my career through this new position, which I just started August 19, 2003.

Formerly, I was an Instructor in the Department of Communication at Northern Illinois University. I also served as the Assistant Director for the Office of  University Resources for Latinos (U.R.L.) at NIU.

Picture of a map of Latin America.""BORDER=We are fortunate in that all of our children live in the area. Well, our youngest daughter will return to living in this area after she completes her tour of duty in Iraq, just north of Baghdad. She is a member of the Army National Guard, and she was called up to active duty to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Although our entire family really enjoys sports of all kind, Chuck is an avid Chicago Cubs fan. We enjoy watching, live when possible, all types of events. We also love the theater and music conferences. Parades are really fun to watch too! We somehow find time for all of these exciting events between work and travel!