Artistic Text

Artistic text is especially useful for headlines, pull quotes, and other special-purpose text. It is easily formatted with the standard text tools, but has some artistic advantages over frame text. For example, you can initially ‘draw’ artistic text at a desired point size (as you did in the previous section), and drag it to adjust the size later. Let’s create some Artistic text

In WebPlus, text objects and Creative text frames can take different line styles, fills (including gradient and bitmap fills), and transparency for stunning pictorial effects. You can even flip artistic text and it will remain editable! Let’s try a few examples.


Any changes you make to your object will apply to all of its contents.


Stretching Artistic Text

You can change the shape of Artistic text by placing your pointer over any of the eight handles around the edge of the Artistic text box.

When you move your pointer over any one of the eight handles, it will change to a double headed arrow showing you the direction of the stretch.

Some samples of stretched text are shown below.


Applying Styles of Artistic Text

You can apply different styles to Artistic text.

You will see different style categories.

Your Artistic text will look like the one below.


One of the tricks in working with design is knowing how to undo a step you have just completed.  The easiest way to undo a set is to use the key combination


This will remove any process you have just done.  If you have done more them one process you can keep clicking on the Ctrl+x key combination.

To redo a process you use the key combination

Ctrl + Y

This will take you forward a step.

You should continue to explore the various ways that you can modify Artistic text, we have only looked at a few limited changes.

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To move an Artistic frame, click and drag the Move button located just above the upper-left corner of the object (or click and drag on the object’s border) to drag the object into position.