Elgin Community College
1700 Spartan Drive

Elgin, IL, 60123-7193

ATR 220: Cultural Anthropology
Marc Healy
 Associate Professor of
 Anthropology and Human Geography
(847) 214-7813

Text Global Problems and
the Culture of Capitalism

2nd Edition
Keneth Guest
Baruch College, CUNY 
Norton ©2018
ISBN 978-0-393-62461-8


    Writing  Guidelines and Options
 Powerpoint Lecture PDFs
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 4Chapter 5
Chapter 7Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12

Sites of Interest:

National Geographic Maps American Anthropological Association Anthropology in the News
Cultural Survival Cultural Anthropology Tutotorials
What is Culture?
Kinship and Social Organization Tutorial
Museum of Weird Consumer Culture
World Food Habits Bibliography

Last updated Aug, 2019
Marc A. Healy