Objectives of the Week

As was the case last week, much of tonight should considered a review of prerequisite material. This will include basic decision logic and will go over how to use the Boolean controls in checking user selections. This class will also present some basic edit checks so you van validate some of the user input, and introduce you to the VB Debugger and the debugging environment.

Decision making in computer programming is always reduced down to a Yes or a No condition. To enable this decision making process into a program is to carry out one set of instructions when a condition is true and a different set of instructions when the condition is false. In flowchart form, this decision making process can be diagrammed as follows:

Decision Structure

As you can see by the diagram, there is no "sort of" or "maybe" path. A condition is evaluated as either True or False and a distinct path through a distinct action is taken.

In Visual Basic, the structure described in the diagram is implemented using this syntax:

If intCount > 10 Then
       lblMessage.Caption = "Time to quit"
       lblMessage.Caption  = "Want to try again?"
End If
When the Integer defined as intCount contains a number that is larger than 10, modify the caption of the label control names lblMessage to say "Time to quit", Otherwise, (when intCount is less than or equal to 10) modify the caption of the label control names lblMessage to say "Want to try again?"

This describes the basic structure and syntax of the decision structure, but the examples of the evaluated conditions and the actions can become quite complex.

String Comparisons

Performing String Comparisons is often difficult because of the possible combinations with respect to Case.

Are these strings equal?                     "Bob", "BOB", "bob", and "BoB"

To a person, these four strings all are generally considered to be the same, but VB does not agree. To level the field, VB supplies a number of string conversion functions.

If UCase(txtName.Text) = "BOB" Then

In this example, all four of the strings would match. This is accomplished by translating the TextBox input to upper case and the comparing it to a literal that is coded in Upper Case. UCase only makes the conversion for use with the If statement and the content of the Text Box is left unchanged.

Strings are compared in terms of sequence, or Greater Than - Less Than using the ASCII Sequence. See Table 4.2 on page 129 in your text or locate a copy of an ASCII Chart that is included in many text books.

In ASCII, Upper Case letters are evaluated less than Lower Case letters. This means that "VB" is less than "vb" .

Comparison Operators

> Greater Than If Val(txtTemperature.Text) > intFreezing Then
< Less Than If Val(txtTemperature.Text) < intBoiling Then
= Equal If Val(txtTemperature.Text) = intFreezing Then
<> No Equal If Val(txtTemperature.Text) <> intBoiling Then
>= Greater Than or Equal If Val(txtTemperature.Text) >= intFreezing Then
<= Less Than or Equal If Val(txtTemperature.Text) <= intBoiling Then

Using Compound Conditions

And Both conditions must be True If Val(txtChoice.Text) = 1 And UCase(strLang) = "VB" Then

Both conditions must be True for the entire condition to be True

Or Only one condition must be True If Val(txtChoice.Text) = 1 Or UCase(strLang) = "VB" Then

Only one of the two conditions need to be True for the entire condition to be True

Not Reverses the condition If Not Val(txtChoice.Text) = 1 Then

Choice can be anything except 1 for the condition to be True


Another Example

If intCount > 10 And intHour >= 9 Then
        lblMessage.Caption = "Too late. Time to quit"
        lblMessage.Caption  = "Go ahead. Try again"
End If
If the program has run more that 10 times and it is 9:00 or later, then don't run again. Otherwise, play as long as you'd like.

Both conditions must be true to stop the program.

Using the Boolean Controls

Option Buttons and Check Boxes are Boolean controls and are well suited for use with conditional statements.

If optFreshman.Value = True Then
    intFreshmanCount = intFreshmanCount + 1
End If
If chkBold.Value = vbChecked Then
    txtText.Bold  = True
End If

VB contains reserved words True and False and Intrinsic Constants vbChecked and vbUnchecked

A Few More If Then - Else Example

If - ElseIf - ElseIf - Else

This code is part of a Command Button Click Event, so clicking on the opttion button only changes the Option Button Value. It is not until the Command Button is Clicked that you see the result of the Option Button choice.

Private Sub cmdGo_Click()

If optRed.Value Then
        frmMain.BackColor = vbRed
ElseIf optGreen.Value Then
        frmMain.BackColor = vbGreen
ElseIf optBlue.Value Then
        frmMain.BackColor = vbBlue
       ' This is really a catch all and
        ' should never happen with a set
        ' of option buttons
        frmMain.BackColor = vbWhite
End If

End Sub

One problem with this setup is that even though the Red Option Button is set to True at design time, the form background is not set until the user clicks on the Command Button. Why not just call the Command Button Click event from Form_Load. Remember, Form_Load a good spot for initialization code.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    cmdGo_Click                                  ' Call an Event Procedure

End Sub


A More Complex Example

If optMale and intAge > 21 Then
    intMaleOver21 = intMaleOver21 + 1
ElseIf optMale and intAge <= 21 Then
    intMaleUnder21 = intMaleUnder21 + 1
ElseIf optFemale and intAge > 21 Then
    intFemaleOver21 = intFemaleOver21 + 1
ElseIf optFemale and intAge <= 21 Then
    intFemaleUnder21 = intFemaleUnder21 + 1
    intUnknown = intUnknown + 1
End If
If optMale Then                      ' Males
     If intAge > 21 Then
        intMaleOver21 = intMaleOver21 + 1
     ElseIf intAge <= 21 Then
        intMaleUnder21 = intMaleUnder21 + 1
         intUnknown = intUnknown + 1
      End If
ElseIf optFemale Then           'Females
      If intAge > 21 Then
          intFemaleOver21 = intFemaleOver21 + 1
      ElseIf  intAge <= 21 Then
          intFemaleUnder21 = intFemaleUnder21 + 1
        intUnknown = intUnknown + 1
      End If
    intUnknown = intUnknown + 1
End If

In general, it is much better to split out conditions into a series of Nested If statements than it is to code Multiple Condition using And, Or, or Not. The code on the left may appear to be more compact, but the code on the right is prefered because it is generally easier to read and understand, and because of this, it will be easier to maintain.


The Message Box

The use of a Message Box is a quick and easy way to display a message to the user. In general, most people find them annoying as they interrupt your process and force you to select a response. There are much, much better ways to communicate with the user, so use them sparingly after this chapter.

The syntax is:

MsgBox "The Message", Button / Icon Selection, "Message Box Caption"

Button / Icon selection is done using Intrinsic Constants and these values are available to you in the code window through the AutoFill feature. Combine the Buttons and Icons using the "+" Operator. Here are some of your choices

vbOKOnly Display OK button only.
vbOKCancel Display OK and Cancel buttons.
vbAbortRetryIgnore Display Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
vbYesNoCancel Display Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
vbYesNo Display Yes and No buttons.
vbRetryCancel Display Retry and Cancel buttons.
vbCritical Display Critical Message icon.
vbQuestion Display Warning Query icon.
vbExclamation Display Warning Message icon.
vbInformation Display Information Message icon.
vbMsgBoxRight Text is right-aligned.

Multiple Line Message Boxes can be coded using the Intrinsic Constant vbCRLF so coding:

MsgBox "This is" & vbCrLf & "on two lines", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "My Message Box"

results in:


In later chapters, we will discuss the Message Box as a function


Input Validation

The are a number of methods used for validating the user input.

Numeric     IsNumeric function If Not IsNumeric(Val(txtNumber.Text)) Then
Range   Greater Than or Less than If Val(txtNumber.Text) > intLargestValue Then
Required     Check for Null String If txtName.Text = "" Then 

The IsNumeric function returns a Boolean Value indication whether of not the argument passed contains numeric data. This function is not "bullet proof", but it will certainly help you weed out bad data entered by the user.

Use the Message Box to report invalid input back to the user.

Structure of an Event Handler using Input Validation

A good way to structure an event handler that validates the input is to divide the logic into two sections. The first section will perform the edits on any input variables, issuing error messages and exiting the event handler when invalid input is detected. If all the input is "clean", then continue with the second section which will carry out the function of the event handler, i.e. accumulate totals and update the user interface.

Exit Sub is the Visual Basic instruction that will immediately take you out of the Event Handler. The "Null If", also makes the code a bit more readable by eliminating "negative logic".

    ' First Section of Event Handler
    Check each control for valid input
    If Errors Detected
        Message Box with Error Message
        SetFocus to control containing invalid input
        Exit Sub
End If

    ' If you get here without leaving, all of the input is valid

    Rest of Event Handler Logic

Here is a coding example:

' Edit the name
If txtName.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "You must enter a name", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error in the name"
    Exit Sub
End If

' Edit the age
If IsNumeric(txtAge.Text) Then
' The "Null If" says if the input is valid, just continue
    MsgBox "You must enter an age", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error in the age"
    Exit Sub
End If

' All the input passes the exit criteria

Sectioning the Event Handler into these two distinct sections makes for much simpler programming as you get to a point where you can continue the function of the event handler knowing that the input you have to work with is valid.


The VB development environment contains a source level debugger that allows you to control the execution of your program by setting breakpoints in the code and examining or changing the value of your programs variables.

Stepping Through the Code

Start To begin the Debug Session, select Debug | Step Into or press F8. The debugger will open and stop on the first instruction to be executed. This might not be immediate as it is only your event handler code that will be run.

You may not see the debugger session until you click on one of your command buttons.

When you get to the debug environment, you have a number of options available to you.




A breakpoint is a program location where the execution unconditionally halts. This gives you an opportunity to examine the state of your application. You have a chance to look at the contents of program variables and single step through the code using the F8 key. You can continue execution up to the next breakpoint by pressing F5. You can set a breakpoint by clicking in the left margin of the Debug Code Window. You will see a breakpoint indicated by the dot in the margin. Click on the dot to remove the breakpoint.

Examining the Value of program variables

To see the value of a variable, simply position the mouse cursor over a reference to the variable in the Debug Window. The value will be displayed in Tool Tip Text format. Very easy access to the content of from controls or program variables

Immediate Window

Use the Immediate Window and the BASIC print instruction (either Print or ?) to display the contents of a variable. You can also change the value of a variable in the Immediate Window by simply coding an assignment statement. The example above shows the display of the original value, the assignment statement changing the value, and a second display showing the changed value. If you cannot find the Immediate Window, select View | Immediate Window from the VB Menu or press Ctrl-G.


Debugging Step by Step - Page 155 thru 161

Download this Example

Walk through this example using the debugging tutorial in the text book.

Build the Example

Step by Step through the First Example

Make sure that you:

Lab 1 -From the text - Page 165, VB Mail Order

Step by Step through the First Lab

Let me know when you are done and I will check you off as Complete

Lab 2  - From the Text - Page 166, VB Auto Center

You are on your own.


Reading Assignment

Programming Assignment

As Always: The assignment is due before the start of class next week

Project Name

Page 164, Problem 4.3 and 4.4 and for Extra Credit Problem 4.5

As with many of the programs so far, the majority of the work is in designing the user interface including the keyboard shortcuts. The majority of the coding is tied to the Calculate button. This event handler will evaluate the controls set on the form and maintain the totals necessary to maintain the account information. The Extra Credit simply formats and displays the accumulated totals on a Message Box.

Here is a list of the Program Grading Criteria