Spell Check

Word Lab

The purpose of this lab is to practice the following Microsoft Word skills:

use the find/replace feature
use the Insert ribbon to add a date
use copy and paste
use borders
format fonts
format paragraphs
use the spelling and grammar checker
use headers and footers
print in landscape mode
format text into columns

The spell checker is a very useful tool.  Students can use it to check there documents for words that are misspelled.  Instructors find this too bee useful two.  When I right my lecture notes, I can sea witch words are misspelled.  I can also tell wear eye mite have maid a grammer error.  The spell checker does the work four me.  Whenever we meat hear for class, eye no aye can show ewe knew things.

· Copy the above paragraph and paste it into a blank Word document. 

· Change the font to Arial for the entire document. (Use select all)

· Use the find/replace feature (see “editing” on Home ribbon) to change the words “spell checker” to “Spelling and Grammar feature”.

· Insert today’s date at the top right corner. (text on Insert ribbon)

· Insert a blank line after the paragraph. Then copy the entire paragraph, including the blank line at the end, and paste it after the original paragraph.

· Put an outside border around the first paragraph. (Paragraph on Home ribbon)

· Format the second paragraph to be double-spaced (Paragraph on Home ribbon) and in 2 columns of equal width. (Page layout)

· Run the Spell-Checker on the second paragraph and accept all changes. (Paragraph on Home ribbon) Do this for the second paragraph only!!!

· In the second paragraph, change the words that are red to comic sans, black, italic, and bold. (Format painter is useful here).

· Insert a bulleted list after the second paragraph, listing ten things you have learned in CIS110 this semester.  Make sure the list is single-spaced.

· Insert a footer with your name centered in it.

· Print the document in landscape mode and put it in your portfolio.

