CIS110 Syllabus
Instructor: Lynne Mayer Textbook: Classes consist of a lecture explaining computers and their use, and labs for in-class practice of computer skills and concepts. There will also be homework assignments designed to reinforce the skills/concepts covered in class. This class can be considered “a taste of computers” and covers many varied topics. Students are encouraged to let the instructor know which topics will be most valuable to them. Topics covered include: Attendance: Students are expected to attend class. If you must miss a class, check the class web site, http://faculty.elgin.edu/lmayer, for the lecture material and assignments. Students are responsible for material missed during an absence. Behavior: You are expected to conduct yourself as an adult at all times. Withdrawal Policy: Students may withdraw from a class up to week 10. After that you are committed to complete the class. If you stop attending without dropping the class, you will receive a failing grade. Labs: The in-class labs and homework assignments are not graded. They are designed to help the student learn the skills/concepts needed to do well in the class. Instructions for the assignments can be found on the class website: http://faculty.elgin.edu/lmayer. Many assignments will be completed in class. If you do not finish the assignment in class, you are responsible for finishing it as homework. If you need help or would like me to check the assignment to make sure you are doing it correctly, please let me know. Quizzes: There will be ten 10 point quizzes on D2L to prepare you to do well on the tests. You will have one week to take a quiz, and you may repeat each quiz up to three times - don’t forget to take it! Tests : There will be three tests during the semester. Each test is worth up to 50 points. There will also be a cumulative final exam worth 100 points. Students are allowed one 8.5” x 11” sheet of notes (front and back) for each test. If you are absent, your test will be placed in the testing center. You will have up to two weeks to make up the exam. If you have not made up the test by that point in time, you will receive a zero for the exam. It is up to the student to make sure that (s)he has not missed a test. Grading Policy: B: 80 - 89% (280 - 315 points) C: 70 - 79% (245 - 279 points) D: 60 - 69% (210 - 244 points) F: < 60% (< 210 points) If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me, and I will get back to you as soon as I can. For students with disabilities: Click here for the ECC Students with Disabilities policy |