
Photofiltre Lab

Part I – Filters

· Open a new blank document, 8.5” x 11” and 72 pixels in resolution.

· Use the photo masque of your choice to create a black edge around the picture.

· Paste six pictures into the document.  They can be the same image or different. 

· Apply a different filter to each of the six images.

· Use the text tool to label the effect on each image.

· Add your name, section number and date with the text tool.

· Print the document to fit to page and put it in your portfolio.

Part II – Reflections

· Open “frog.jpg” in my instructor folder using Photofiltre.

· Copy the image.

· Open a new Photofiltre document that is 5.5 inches wide x 11 inches high.  Make the resolution 72 dpi.

· Paste the frog into the top of the page.

· Under image menu, chose “flip vertical”.

· Apply the ripple filter.

· Paste a second frog picture into the document and move to the top of the page.
  Optional: Add an image of a crown to the reflected frog.

· Add your name, section number and date at the bottom of the picture with the text tool. Use a white font.

· Print the picture and put it in your portfolio.