Keyword Review

Key Terms

Define the following key terms for your portfolio. These terms are from Chapters 1 - 6. The complete list can be found in the “lab & homework” folder in my instructor folder as a MS Word document.

application software –

computer literacy - also digital literacy.

embedded computer - 

Graphic User Interface (GUI) –

Mainframe - 

Network - 

Notebook computer -  See also laptop computer.

personal computer - 

Program -  See also software.

system software - 

Client - Also called a workstation.

CPU (central processing unit)  . See also processor.

e-commerce –

Icon –

access time  .

adapter card -

Analog -

arithmetic logic unit - 

Bay - 

binary system –

bit -

Bus - 

Byte –

Cache -  .

central processing unit (CPU) -  . See also processor.

Chip -

complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) -

control unit -

Digital - 

expansion slot -

flash memory -

IrDA port - 

Bluetooth - 

Graphics (video or VGA) card -

Memory -

MIDI port - 

Modem -


Network card -

Peripheral -


Plug and Play - 

power supply -

RAM random access memory - See also Main Memory.

read-only memory (ROM) -

SCSI port - 

serial port - 

system clock -

system unit (chassis) - 

address bus –

ALU - 


bus width - 

heat sink - 

Hertz - 

hot plugging -


Registers - 

volatile memory - 





Star network –

Token Ring Network –

Linear Bus Network –

Mesh Network –

Peer-to peer (P2P) –


operating system -

Server -

utility program - 

Access provider - 

Animation - Appearance

ARPAnet - 

Blog -

Browser - 

Domain name - 

E-commerce - .
   B2B -
   B2C -
   C2C -

Emoticons - 

Internet -

Intranet -

IP address -

ISP -.

Netiquette –

Podcast  .

Portal - .

Search Engine 

Streaming - 

Top-level domain -

URL - 

Web Publishing -

Word Wide Web - 

Virus –

Worm –

Trojan Horse –

Inoculation –

Quarantine –

Denial of Service –

Zombie –

Firewall –

Phishing –

Pharming –

Spam -

Backup -