Example 2 for Week 8 - Step by Step

This program will demonstrate the use of Control Arrays and the use of the TAG property. The application consists of three forms. The main form will hold the array of TextBoxes that were created using the information added on the Add screen. TextBox format information is stored in each Control Array TAG property. In this case, the format information describes the Type (Numeric or Alpha) and the Length (number of characters that can be entered). Because each controls can have a unique format base on the TAG property, the editing criteria that is programmed by the user introduces additional keystroke processing events. The Display form will display the format information from the selected TextBox.

Part 1 - Housekeeping / Overhead

Save the Project in your NEW Project directory

Add the Second Form
Add the Third Form

Click on the Save Icon in the Tool Bar.

Part 2 - Building the Example Application

The Main form, which appears empty at startup contains a single TextBox that has the Index Property set to 0. This is what makes the control a Control Array. This form does nothing except call the two other forms for their respective services. It does perform edits on the array of text boxes using the format information contained in the tag property.

This code is detailed below.

The Add Form will edit the input controls and then place a textbox onto the main form. The TAG properties will contain an encoded string that describes the "properties" of the text box. Note the logic required to properly place the control on the main form. The main form contains two public variables used to maintain the position of "the next open array slot"

This code is detailed below.

This form only summarizes the content of the associated TextBoxes TAG property. The contents are decoded and placed in the labels on this form.

Private Sub Form Load()
    Dim xIdx As Integer

    xIdx = frmMain.sidx

    lblType = Left(frmMain.txtArray(xIdx).Tag, 1)
    lblLength = Right(frmMain.txtArray(xIdx).Tag,             Len(frmMain.txtArray(xIdx).Tag) - 1)

End Sub

The Add form is where the work takes place. When the user click the OK button, the program:


Private Sub cmdOK Click()
    Dim idx As Integer

    If frmMain.idx = -1 Then
      frmMain.idx = 0
      frmMain.idx = frmMain.idx + 1
      Load frmMain.txtArray(frmMain.idx)
    End If

    idx = frmMain.idx

    If idx = 10 Then
      frmMain.txtArray(idx).Top = frmMain.txtArray(0).Top
      frmMain.txtArray(idx).Left = _
            frmMain.txtArray(0).Left + frmMain.txtArray(0).Width + 100
    ElseIf idx > 0 Then
      frmMain.txtArray(idx).Top = _
            frmMain.txtArray(idx - 1).Top + frmMain.txtArray(idx - 1).Height + 10
      frmMain.txtArray(idx).Left = frmMain.txtArray(idx - 1).Left
    End If

    frmMain.txtArray(idx).Tag = Left(cboType.Text, 1) & Str(txtLength)
    frmMain.txtArray(idx).Visible = True
    frmMain.txtArray(idx).Text = ""

    If frmMain.idx = 19 Then
      cboType.Enabled = False
      txtLength.Enabled = False
      cmdOK.Enabled = False
    End If

End Sub

On the Main Form, use the contents of the TAG Property to restrict what is entered. This is not bullet-proof, but it will work for most situations.

Whenever a key on any of the TextBoxes in the Control Array, the KeyPress event is fired and the index of the control and the key that was pressed is passed to the form. The KeyStroke is passed as an Ascii integer.

For more information go to Google.COM and search on "ASCII chart"

Here is the event handler and function used to restrict the keystrokes:

Private Sub txtArray KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer)
    Validate txtArray(Index), KeyAscii

End Sub

Private Sub Validate(TB As TextBox, key As Integer)
    Dim maxlength As String
    Dim cKey As String * 1

    If key < 32 Or key > 126 Then
       Exit Sub
    End If

    maxlength = Right(TB.Tag, Len(TB.Tag) - 1)
    If Len(TB.Text) = Val(maxlength) Then
      key = 0
      Exit Sub
    End If

    Select Case Left$(TB.Tag, 1)
       Case "A"
          cKey = UCase(Chr(key))
          If cKey < "A" Or cKey > "Z" Then
             key = 0
             Exit Sub
          End If

       Case "N"
          If key < Asc("0") Or key > Asc("9") Then
             key = 0
             Exit Sub
          End If

    End Select

End Sub

Setting the KeyStroke to 0 will "throw out" or ignore the transmitted keystroke.

There are various event handlers and routines to build the edits and error prevention functions into the program. This code is detailed below:

Something must be in the Length field before the Control can be added
Private Sub SetEnabled()
    If txtLength = "" Then
      cmdOK.Enabled = False
      cmdOK.Enabled = True
    End If

End Sub

Initialize the ComboBox
Private Sub Form Load()
    cboType.AddItem "Alpha"
    cboType.AddItem "Numeric"

    cboType.ListIndex = 0


End Sub

Edit on every change. Highlight the Errors
Private Sub txtLength Change()
    Dim limit As Integer

    If IsNumeric(txtLength) = False Then
      txtLength.SelStart = 0
      txtLength.SelLength = Len(txtLength)
      cmdOK.Enabled = False
      Exit Sub
    End If

    If Left(cboType.Text, 1) = "A" Then
      limit = 25
      limit = 4
    End If

    If Val(txtLength) > limit Then
      txtLength.SelStart = 0
      txtLength.SelLength = Len(txtLength)
      cmdOK.Enabled = False
      Exit Sub
    End If


End Sub

Only the proper characters (Numbers) and the Backspace key
Private Sub txtLength KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If KeyAscii = 8 Then
      Exit Sub
    End If

    If KeyAscii < Asc("0") Or KeyAscii > Asc("9") Then
      KeyAscii = 0
    End If

End Sub

Call the Change Logic to Edit
Private Sub cboType Click()
    txtLength Change

End Sub

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