Objectives of the Week

Case Structure

A Case Structure is very similar to a nested if statement. It is specifically used when you need to compare the contents of a variable to a finite list of conditions. In Visual Basic, the Case Structure is implemented using the Select - Case syntax.

The Select Case structure works with a single test expression that is evaluated one time at the top of the structure. The expression is compared to the values for each Case in the structure. If there is a match, the block of statements associated with that Case is executed

Select Case expression
    Case constant list
        Statement or Block of Statements

    Case constant list
        Statement or Block of Statements

    Case Else
        Statement or Block of Statements

End Select

If more than one Case matches the test expression, only the instructions associated with the first match will be executed.

Here are some examples of the constant list syntax

Case Is   Range Case Is >= 100
Case x To y Between Inclusive Case 80 To 90
Case "Test" Match Case 10
Case a, b, c In the List Case 20, 30, 40

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
    Dim intNumber As Integer
    Dim strMsg As String

    intGrade = Val(txtNumber.Text)

    Select Case intGrade
        Case 10, 20, 30                             '
In the List
            strMsg = "10, 20, or 30"
        Case 40 To 50                              '
Between the numbers (Inclusive)
            strMsg = "40 to 50"
        Case Is > 60                                 '
Range Check
            strMsg = "> 60"
        Case Else                                     '
Catch everything else
            strMsg = "Else"
    End Select

    MsgBox strMsg

End Sub

 As in prior examples, when making comparisons on string variables, it's a good idea to use the UCase on the Select Case expression, and the code the constant list using upper case strings.            


An array is an ordered collection of data contained in a variable and referenced by a single variable name. Each element of the array can be referenced by a numeric subscript.

We think of the array as a list of elements. The number of elements are specified when the array is declared. In Visual Basic, the arrays are zero based (just like List and Combo Boxes).

    Dim Array(5) as Integer                 Array of 5 integers. Each Index 0 - 4  Just like List and Combo Boxes

    Dim Array (-5 to 5) as Integer       11 Slots - Used when Index Values "Map" to a range

    Attempting to reference an element outside the range will result in:



Programs can be built using function calls to determine the array boundaries. UBound and LBound  returns the largest and smallest available subscripts of an array.

Private Sub cmdTest_Click()
    Dim iArray(-5 To 5) As Integer

    Debug.Print "Lower Bound is : " & _
                            LBound(iArray) & _
                            ". Upper Bound is " & _

End Sub

Results in:

    Lower Bound is : -5. Upper Bound is 5

The For Next Loop is often ideal for array processing as they are fixed in size. Review the following example that will search an array for a value and if the value is not found, then the value will be added to the array. The Boolean value and the Exit For instruction are key to the search logic.

Dim intArray(10) As Integer

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim blnFound As Boolean
    Dim intSearch As Integer

    blnFound = False
    intSearch = Val(txtSearch.Text)
    For i = 0 To 9
        If intArray(i) = intSearch Then
            blnFound = True
            Exit For
        End If

' An element containing zero indicates
' the end of the list
        If intArray(i) = 0 Then
            Exit For
        End If

    Next i

    If blnFound = False Then
        intArray(i) = intSearch
        Debug.Print "Added in slot " & i
        Debug.Print "Found in slot " & i
    End If

End Sub

Dynamic Arrays

Fixed sized arrays work in many situations, but because the size is static, the possibility (or probability) exists that they will at some point in the future be too small to hold the required information. Visual Basic allows the array dimensions to be dynamic. To declare a dynamic array, an array size is not specified.

Dim intArray() As Integer

To allocate space to the array, use the ReDim instruction.

ReDim intArray(1)

It is the responsibility of the programmer to manage the content and the size of a dynamic array.

ReDim Preserve intArray(10)

Adding the Preserve keyword will leave the current array contents in tact.

Compare this example of adding to an array to the previous example. This example will maintain the size of the array based on the number of entries required. The first example had a fixed sized array, and with that, the possibility of overflowing the bounds of the array.  The changes to the code are highlighted.


Dim intArray() As Integer
Dim gintCount As Integer

Private Sub cmdFind_Click()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim blnFound As Boolean
    Dim intSearch As Integer

    blnFound = False
    intSearch = Val(txtSearch.Text)
If gintCount = 0 Then                         ' Needed because UBound fails
        ReDim intArray(1)                         
' on an empty array
    End If

    For i = 0 To
        If intArray(i) = intSearch Then
            blnFound = True
            Exit For
        End If

' An element containing zero indicates
' the end of the list
        If intArray(i) = 0 Then
            Exit For
        End If

    Next i

    If blnFound = False Then
       gintCount = gintCount + 1
        ReDim Preserve intArray(gintCount)

        intArray(i) = intSearch
        Debug.Print "Added in slot " & i
        Debug.Print "Found in slot " & i
    End If

End Sub

This section was a basic review of how to process arrays.  This chapter will use arrays in conjunction with List and Combo Boxes, and User Defined Types, which are described later in the chapter

Multidimensional Arrays

A multidimensional array is an array that looks like a table. It has more than one index specified when it is declared.

Dim sngRateTable(5, 4) As Single

This statement creates an array of 20 elements indexed as indicated.

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3
1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3
2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3
3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3
4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3
Nested For Loops are often used to address each array element

For i = 0 to 4
  For j = 0 to 3
    Array(i, j) = 0
  Next j
Next i

This example will initialize each element of the array to zero.

See Page 300 of the Text for a good example of a Lookup procedure that will search for a particular value in a table or refer to the Search and Add examples above.

Control Arrays

A control array is exactly what it says it is. It is an array of controls on a form. A control array is always made up of the same type of control. That is to say, you can not have a control array that is made up of a mix of TextBoxes and OptionButtons.

Each element in the array has its own properties, but the event handlers are shared between all elements of the array. The difference between the event handlers in a control array is that an Index parameter is passed indicating which control in the array is being handled. You need to be sure that when you create a control array that you can share the event handlers.

Control arrays can be created several ways:

When using these methods, you will be prompted with a dialog box warning you that you are about to create a Control Array


You can also:

In order to create a control array at runtime, at least one element has to have been placed on the form at design time, and set the Index property set to 0. To create further instances of the control at runtime, use the Load instruction. Your runtime logic must also reposition the array by changing the form location properties such as Top and Left, and you must set the Visible property to True.

Here is an example that will use a Control Array of Option Buttons to change the Background Color of the Form Controls.

Private Sub optColor_Click(Index As Integer)

  Select Case Index
     Case 0
       Me.BackColor = vbRed
     Case 1
       Me.BackColor = vbGreen
     Case 2
       Me.BackColor = vbBlue
     Case Else
       MsgBox "Error Detected", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error Message Alert"
  End Select

  Dim i As Integer
  For i = 0 To 2
     optColor(i).BackColor = Me.BackColor
  Next i

End Sub

Clicking on any one of the Option Buttons will trigger the Event Handler passing the Index Value of the control that was clicked. Using the Case Structure, the Index value can be determined and the color changed as was requested. The For Loop at the bottom will set the Background color of each of the Option Buttons.

The alternative is to code three event handlers.

Tag Property

The TAG property provides temporary storage space that can be associated with a particular control. You can do most anything you want with this space. The example below is a modification to the Color Selection program that uses the Tag property instead of the Case Structure.

In Form Load, initialize the Tag for each element in the control array

Private Sub Form_Load()
   optColor(0).Tag = vbRed
   optColor(1).Tag = vbGreen
   optColor(2).Tag = vbBlue
End Sub

The click event can then reference the appropriate TAG property based on the index.

Private Sub optColor_Click(Index As Integer)
  Me.BackColor = optColor(Index).Tag

  Dim i As Integer
  For i = 0 To 2
    optColor(i).BackColor = Me.BackColor
  Next i

End Sub

The Tag property is available with any VB control, not just Control Arrays

UDT - User Defined Type

VB's user-defined type (UDT) allows you to build data structure that consists of the intrinsic data types or other user-defined types.
Here is an example:

Type udtItem
   intKey as Integer
   strDescription as String
   sngCost as Single
End Type

After defining the UDT, you can now declare variables of this new type just as you would a string or an integer.

The UDT does not define a variable.
It only defines a type that can be used to declare a variable.

To declare a variable of this type:

Dim udtVariable As udtItem

Now I can reference the fields with the UDT using the Object.Property notation.

udtVariable.intKey = 0
udtVariable.strDescription = "A New Product"

MsgBox "The cost is " & udtVariable.sngCost

Here are some of the many ways that you can declare and then access the components of a UDT

Type udtPerson
  strFirst As String
  strLast As String
End Type
Type udtPosition
  strTitle as String
  sngSalary As Single
End Type
Type udtStaff
  udtEmployee As udtPerson
  udtHistory (10) As udtPosition
End Type
Dim udtDirector as udtStaff
Dim udtVPs(5) as udtStaff udtVPs(j).udtEmployee.strLast = "Smith"
udtVPs(j).udtHistory(i).strATitle = "VP"
Dim udtStudent as udtPerson udtStudent.strFirst = "Bob"

Note that you ALWAYS make reference to the declared variable and NEVER to the type

List Boxes and Arrays

There can be a direct relationship between the content of a ListBox and the content of an array. Both are subscripted, so the ListIndex property can be used to access the associated entry in the array.

As each element is added to the ListBox, the associated information is added to the Array. The AddItem method of the ListBox will place the new ListBox entry at the end, and the ListCount property (actually ListCount - 1) will point to the associated array element as indicated in the diagram

The Sorted Property changes the direct relationship, but VB provides the means to keep this association using the ItemData and the NewIndex properties.

NewIndex contains the position of the newly added element in the ListBox. Storing ListCount - 1 in this entries ItemData property maintains the relationship with the array.

The ItemData property is used to store a numeric (long) value in either a ListBox or ComboBox. The ItemData property is similar to the Tag property, but ItemData seems especially suited to handle an index into an array that will hold associated data.

When the Sorted property is set to True, Visual Basic will maintain the order of the ListBox array and the direct relationship is broken. But using ItemData and NewIndex Properties, this relationship can easily be maintained.

ListBox.AddItem txtBox.Text Add an entry to the ListBox:
ListBox.ItemData(ListBox.NewIndex) = ListBox.ListCount - 1 Places in the ItemData Property of the Newly Added ListBox entry, the associated Array element as is maintained by ListCount
Array(ListBox.ListCount - 1) = Associated Info Update the Array

Take a look at this example:

Private Sub Form_Load()
  With List1
   .AddItem "Tom"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
   .AddItem "Dan"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
   .AddItem "Linda"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
   .AddItem "Jim"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
   .AddItem "Cindy"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
   .AddItem "Ken"
   .ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = .ListCount - 1
  End With
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click()
  Dim Msg As String

  With List1
   Msg = .ItemData(.ListIndex) & vbTab & .List(.ListIndex)
   MsgBox Msg
  End With

End Sub

This demonstrates that the ItemData property contains the proper Array association

Build the Example

Step by Step through Example 1                      

Make sure that you:

Another Example

Step by Step through the Example 2                      

Make sure that you:

Lab 1 -From the Text - Page 324, VB Mail Order

This is a pretty easy exercise demonstrating a lookup function

Step by Step through the First Lab

Let me know when you are done and I will check you off as Complete

Lab 2  - From the Text - Page 324, VB Auto Center

You are on your own.


Reading Assignment

Programming Assignment

As Always: The assignment is due before the start of class next week

Orchestra Tickets

    Page 321, Problem 8.3

The ListBox that holds the selection must be sorted. This means that the Sorted Property is set to True. You will need a table that keeps the totals for the different ticket sales and the index into the table must be stored in the ItemData property of the ListBox.


Here is a list of the Program Grading Criteria