Lab for Week 5 - Step by Step


Very Busy (VB) Mail Order

Do the housekeeping required to setup your project.

This includes:


This is a modification to the lab from Week 4

Here is a copy of the completed lab from last week


The redesigned user interface using Menus

Lab.jpg (18044 bytes)


Color Selection Logic

Private Sub mnuEditColor_Click()

    With dlgCD
            .Flags = cdlCCRGBInit
            .Color = lblFinalTotal.ForeColor
            lblFinalTotal.ForeColor = .Color
       End With
End Sub


Font Selection Logic


Private Sub mnuEditFont_Click()

    With dlgCommon
            .FontName = lblFinalTotal.Font.Name
            .FontSize = lblFinalTotal.Font.Size
            .FontBold = lblFinalTotal.Font.Bold
            .FontItalic = lblFinalTotal.Font.Italic
            .FontUnderline = lblFinalTotal.Font.Underline

            .Flags = cdlCFScreenFonts

            lblFinalTotal.Font.Name = .FontName
            lblFinalTotal.Font.Size = .FontSize
            lblFinalTotal.Font.Bold = .FontBold
            lblFinalTotal.Font.Italic = .FontItalic
            lblFinalTotal.Font.Underline = .FontUnderline
    End With

End Sub


Modify the Command Button Logic from Last Week to use the Menu Item Even Handlers for This Week


This completes the lab

Back to Week 5