Closing tag
Designates where the data for the element ends
Column break
The point at which one column ends and another begins
Common fields
Fields that appear in each table
Conditions you set to limit the number of records the database extracts
Data Source
Any file that contains the data that you want to retrieve
A program that stores and retrieves large amounts of data and creates reports describing that data
Delimited Text
Text that is separated by a delimiter
A symbol that separates one column of data from another
The main part of the structure of an XML document
Extensible Markup Language (XML)
A language in which data can be placed in text files in a structured way that can be read by a wide variety of applications.
Each column of a table that stores a specific characteristics of a person, place, or thing
The process of specifying which records you want to retrieve using specific criteria
Fixed-width text file
A file in which each column starts at the same location in the file
Full HTML formatting
An option that retrieves all simple as well as advance HTML formatting features, including hyperlinks.
Clickable text that bring up another location or a Web page
Displays the layout of the file in a schematic diagram
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
A way to organize large business databases
Opening tag
Designates where the data for the element begins
A question you ask about the data in the database
Query Wizard
A wizard that helps you create and run queries
Real-time data
Values used for measuring devices and scientific equipment
Each row of the table
When you update a query
Rich Text formatting only
An option that retrieves the text along with simple formatting, such as boldface, italics, and color, but not advance formatting such as hyperlinks or complicated table structures
Root Element
The highest level of the hierarchy of an XML document
RTD function
A function provided by Excel to facilitate the process of importing data from an external device
Contains the rules required for correctly inserting data into an XML document
A collection of data that is stored in rows and columns
The name of each element in an XML document is contained within a tag
Text Import Wizard
A wizard that helps you determine whether the data is in a fixed-width format or a delimited format.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
The address of the resource (usually Web page).
Web query
A query that specifies how data should be retrieved from a resource on the Internet or a company’s intranet