CIS 098 Syllabus

CIS 098 - Computer Fundamentals

  • Instructor:  Lynne Mayer
  • Office: ICT - 122
  • Email:
  • Voicemail:  (847) 697-1000 x2328
  • Textbook: Practical PC 4th Edition, Parsons & Oja

Class Description:
This course gets students started using computers. It includes an introduction to using a windows operating system, how to save and retrieve files, basic word processing, and an introduction to using the Internet. These basic skills are required prior to taking any other computer course. This CIS course is not intended for transfer and not applicable to any ECC degree nor is it counted in the GPA.

Lab Assignments:
There will be one or two lab assignments each class. Each Lab Assignment will be worth 10 points. If you miss a lab you will get a 0 for the lab grade. You may not get every assignment 100% complete and correct, but it is essential that you hand in at least your partial work. Each student is expected to do his or her own work. You may consult with other students, but do not copy their work. The penalty for plagiarism is minimally a zero on the assignment for all parties involved, and may be failure for the course or dismissal from the college. (As another interesting side note, this is the exactly the opposite of the working world where such activity is called "reuse" and is highly encouraged).

You are expected to attend class! If you must miss class, call my office phone and leave a message or send email. You are also expected to be on time! Arriving late to class
disrupts the entire class.

The final grade will be based upon the percentage of points earned on your attendance, lab assignments and quiz scores. The following scale will be used to assign a letter grade:

A 100% - 90%

B 89% - 80%

C 79% - 70%

D 69% - 60%

You are expected to conduct yourself as an adult at all times. You will show respect for your fellow students and instructor. In particular, you should make sure your activities do not disturb the classroom setting. Talking while the instructor is lecturing, having a cell-phone or pager beeping, or leaving the classroom in the middle of a lecture is distracting to the other students. During the lecture you are expected to be listening to the lecture and not doing other class work or using the computer.