- Read data from the console input (cin).
- Write data to the console output (cout).
- Format outputted data using member functions:
width() precision() setf() (ios::fixed, ios::scientific, ios::showpoint, ios::right, ios::left) unsetf()
- Format outputted data using manipulators:
setw() setprecision() setioflages() (ios::fixed, ios::scientific, ios::showpoint, ios::right, ios::left) resetioflags()
At the end of the week you should be able to:
- Read in a value from the console and place it in a variable.
- Display the contents of a variable to the console.
- Display a floating point number to a specified precision
- Display a value in a field of a specific width
- Display a floating point number in fixed or scientific notation
Reading Assignment
Savitch: Section 2.4, Pages 73-82 (if/else) [7th, 6th 74 - 83] Section 3.1 - 3.2, Pages 110-137 (Boolean Expressions, Multiway Branches) [7th 112-139] [6th 110-137]
Pirsig: Pages 127 - 128 (All done by one person) [Harper 179-180]
Take-Home Programming Assignment
Reading Assignment